Why Is Serving God Happy?

Fri, 10/07/2022 - 12:19
Hands raised in worship to God

God is in heaven. But, we can serve Him while we are here on this planet earth. 


Have you seen an elder person who wants to sit on a bench in the park? Have you seen a little girl who is alone near the pond? 


Have you seen a boy who can’t solve a Math problem? 


Have you seen any of these? 


There are strangers in the streets or in the road we may pass by who have a role to play and who have a purpose in life on earth. 


There’s joy when we see an aeta kid learning how to play the guitar or smiling back because there is someone like you who shares time with him. Somehow, it could be a cup of coffee you shared with a stranger in the morning instead of drinking it with your best friend. For them,  there’s no amount of joy that can be compared to that simple thoughtful act. You may think it has no value to them yet it’s actually more than a cup of coffee.  


So, let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NIV 


We are actually serving God by serving others.  


We, as Christians, can serve God through discipleship, church ministries, giving, investing time, a smile, and the love of Jesus Christ that is in YOU and me. 


There’s joy in serving God because you made someone smile, you heard a miraculous testimony of healing after praying for her in a sickbed because you gave tithes to your church to advance the kingdom of God, and most of all, because you did your part in sharing Christ's love. 


“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and  sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 NIV


God is pleased to see us doing our part in simple ways, even if we are not appreciated by others or even if we are not given applause or commendation by others. 


Why is serving God happy? 


Because at the end of the day, even if you did not receive “Thank you” from that strange kid on the road who drank that cup of coffee or did not receive back a smile from your office mate who is difficult to work with after greeting him with a beautiful morning smile, even if you received an email from a foundation you recently sent financial help and even if your name is forgotten by the elder woman you helped find the best sit at the park, His “Well done, good and faithful servant!” would all be enough. Making our Father in Heaven happy is the best reward we can get. Hearing him saying, “Come and share your master’s happiness!” is an invitation that we can come to His Presence and celebrate with Him happily, not because of our own good but because He is happy to see us being like Christ in this broken and chaotic world that needs the love of Jesus Christ. 


Author: Lucky Joy Salazar, Writer, New Media Unit, Light TV - God's Channel of Blessings

Proofread and Edited by: Mark Joseph Espinosa, Unit Head, New Media Unit, Light TV - God's Channel of Blessings

Image Source: Jantanee Rungpranomkorn

Bible Source: https://biblehub.com/